Zorii Bliss

During the era of the First Order, Zorii Bliss was the leader of the Spice Runners of Kijimi. Poe Dameron was once a member of her gang, but he abandoned her to join the Resistance. Zorii felt betrayed and was furious when he left.
Their paths would cross again when Poe returned to Kijimi. By then the planet was under the brutal occupation of the First Order. Poe and Rey were seeking clues to the location of Exegol when they bumped into Zorii. At first she was tempted to kill Poe, but changed her mind and decided to help after witnessing the cruelty of the First Order.
Zorii escaped the destruction of Kijimi and joined the resistance. She flew a Y-Wing in the Battle of Exegol, and helped destroy the Final Order fleet.
A few months before the release of Rise of Skywalker, Zorii was released as a Lego figure. I saw it at my local store and snapped a photo of the display. I figured it was enough to get me started, and I could redesign the model when I knew more about her mask. It turns out I didn’t need to change a thing.