(wearable) boba fett's z-6 jetpack

The Z-6 was the jetpack of choice among Mandalorians. It had enough fuel for about a minute of flight and could reach speeds of up to 145 KPH. It could be upgraded with several flight and weapon enhancements. Boba Fett chose to add targeting sensors and a powerful short range missile to his.
The weakness of the Z-6 was how sensitive it was to physical impacts. Both Jango and Boba Fett learned this the hard way. Their jetpacks suffered catastrophic failures at critical times. Jango’s failed in his fight with Kenobi, and again in the Geonosis arena leading to his death. An accidental staff swing by Han Solo triggered Bobo Fett’s Z-6. It ignited the thrusters and sent him into the Pit of Carkoon.
I was at my local mall and saw a child wearing a backpack. It was a copy of Boba Fett’s Z-6 jetpack which of course started me thinking about an origami version. Whenever I start designing a new model I use scrap paper. I happened to have a piece about 5 inches square. Halfway through the design process I noticed I had to long flaps I needed to do something with. On a whim I linked them together and put it on my finger as a ring. I was pleasantly surprised by the result. I present my first piece of origami jewelry for your approval.