republic era y-wing

During the Clone Wars a heavy bomber/starfighter was needed to supplement the V-Wing and Delta 7 class starfighters. The BTL-B Y-Wing was the solution.
The ship was crewed by a pilot, a tail gunner in a bubble turret, and an R2 astromech. It was armed with two fixed laser cannons and a turret with two ion cannons. It was also armed with two torpedo launchers capable of holding 6 torpedoes, missiles, or proton bombs. The armor plating and shields were unusually strong for a ship of it’s size.
One of my first attempts at a compound Star Wars origami model (one that uses more than one sheet of paper) was the Y-Wing shown in Episode IV. I included it my second Star Wars origami book. So when YouTuber CT-5597-Jesse asked if I could make a video tutorial for a Y-Wing I started thinking about the Republic Era version. Because this ship has smoother lines it was easier to design from a single sheet of paper. Thanks Jesse for the suggestion.