Republic v Wing

The Alpha-3 Nimbus V-wing starfighter was used by the Republic during the clone wars. Its fuselage was based on the Delta 7, but added innovative Twin Ion Engines for speed and maneuverability. The wings would later be perfected in the TIE fighter series of starfighters.
The starfighter traded speed and agility for some standard systems. It lacked a pressurized cockpit, hyperdrive, and needed a Q7 astromech for navigation.
I received a suggestion on my YouTube channel from Mrpoopypoophole Poop (I didn’t make that name up) to design the Republic V Wing. My first thought was to simply fold the wings of an X Wing 90 degrees and call it a day. Of course that would be to easy.
The finished version does share some properties of the origami T-65, but the addition of a cockpit and side cannons make it a separate model. Thanks for the suggest