tie striker

The TIE Striker is a variant of the Sienar Systems famed TIE series of star fighters. Its flattened wings give it superior maneuverability in an atmospheric dogfight. The solar panels can pivot at the hull giving the pilot the ability to trade off agility for speed as the situation requires.The craft is armed with proton bombs and 4 sets of laser cannons making it well suited for supporting ground assaults and protecting high value fixed assets.
Disney asked me to be a part of the after party for the world premiere of Rogue One and teach a few models from the movie to the guests. Since I’d already fallen in love with the looks of the Striker, I wanted it to be one of them. After a few failed attempts at getting the shape just right, I realized the best versions I’d come up with had one thing in common. They started with a rectangle instead of a square. This model starts with a 1×2 rectangle and I think it looks pretty slick.