tie interceptor / tie whisper

Faster, more agile, and with twice the firepower of the standard
TIE fighter, the TIE Interceptor was one of the best Imperial
starfighters during the age of the Empire. Its design was based on
the TIE Advanced x1, which was made famous by Darth Vader
during the Battle of Yavin. In spite of its advantages, it lacked the
hyperdrive of the x1, limiting it to short-range sorties and defensive
combat roles.
During the reign of the First Order, Kylo Ren had a custom Interceptor built to his specifications. The TIE Whisper was equipped with a hyperdrive as well as extra targeting and weapons packages.
I started curating the model list for Star Wars origami book 2 about a year before “Rise of Skywalker” was released. I’d come up with a model for the TIE Interceptor a few years before and wanted to include it in the new book. Unfortunately the Powers That Be at Disney didn’t want to use it. Oh well.
A few months later, Disney asked if I would create a model for Kylo Ren’s new ship called the TIE Whisper and include it. Once I saw the images of the new TIE I had to laugh. From an origami Point of view, it’s the same as the TIE Interceptor with a different paint job.