Tie bomber

The TIE Bomber was a single pilot assault craft in the successful Sienar Fleet Systems Line of TIE starfighters. Its primary role was launching missile and torpedo attacks against capitol ships and ground emplacements. One fuselage pod housed the pilot, life support, and propulsion systems. The second held the ordinance and launch systems. The weapons pod could carry an array of torpedoes, missiles, and mines. It could also be converted into a passenger compartment for commando troops.
Early in my origami career, I created a wildly unsuccessful design for a TIE fighter. The wings were the wrong shape, the cockpit was way too large, and I didn’t like the ratio of complexity to end result. In shame, I hid it in a box with the rest of my early design failures.
Many years later, Youtuber Vithialingam Geetha asked if I could make a TIE Bomber. I recalled that failed TIE fighter design and thought it would be a good place to start my new design. Oddly enough, I didn’t have to make too many modifications to that original failure to change it into this success.