trade federation battleship

When the trade federation recognized a need for its own military, it converted some of its huge cargo carriers into battleships. These two mile wide carriers were ideal for the task. The enormous ships already had powerful engines, strong armor and vast storage areas that could house up to 1,500 droid starfighters, and 140,000 battle droids. After being refitted with stronger shields and powerful quad laser batteries, any one of these ships could hold of an entire armada of Republic attack cruisers.
I’ve been playing with a model for the Rebel Logo on and off for years. While I was working on one such attempt, I noticed it looked exactly like the Trade Federation Battleship. It only took a few minutes to get the proportions correct.
When I was invited to Celebration V in Orlando I thought it would be fun to have the audience fold large scale origami again. I looked over the designs I’d already created and couldn’t decide which models to use. I didn’t want to do the same ones from Celebration III, Some of the models are just too difficult at that scale, others don’t have enough detail. Still others will collapse under their own weight. I settled on three, Slave I, The Falcon, The Landspeeder, and needed one more. That was when I decided to create a new model which could be made into a large version. The battleship was the perfect choice. It’s flat so it won’t collapse, the bridge is challenging to fold, and still looks good when it’s 6 feet across.