tantive iv

The Tantive IV (Pronounced Tan-TA-Vee Four) was a CR90 Corellian corvette. It took part in the assault on Scarif to obtain the Death Star schematics. It was pursued from the battle and captured by the Imperial Star Destroyer Devastator. In a last desperate attempt to get the plans to the Rebel Alliance, Princess Leia entrusted them to R2 D2 and the rest is galactic History.
Many years later the ship was recovered and used as General Leia Organa Solo’s flagship. It took part in the battle over Exegol, where it was destroyed by Darth Sidious’ force lightning.
I’ve played around with various designs for a rebel blockade runner over the years, but never came up with something that I was satisfied with. After YouTuber Yaman efe Öztürk suggested I design one I decided to try again. I spent a few days trying various attempts, but they ended up having the same old problems. When starting with a square, the end result would either be too fat, or be way too complicated with an inelegant folding sequence. As an experiment, I tried starting with a rectangle. It solved the ‘fat’ problem and I’m very happy with the end result.