Starkiller Base

”So It’s big. Ok, how do we blow it up? There’s always a way to do that.” – Han Solo.
Starkiller Base was the First Order’s answer to the Empire’s Death Stars. Instead of constructing a space station, it was carved into the core of Ilum. It’s primary weapon was capable of destroying an entire solar system from halfway across the galaxy. To gather enough energy to fire the weapon, Starkiller Base would absorb the dark energy of an entire star. The plasma was drawn into the planet’s core, focused, and released at the target system.
This was also the fatal flaw of the base. If the containment field failed during the procedure, the released energy would destroy the base. A concentrated attack by the Resistance, led by Poe Dameron, did just that.
Youtuber Zuhair83 asked if I could design a Starkiller Base origami model. I quickly realized there aren’t a lot of details to work with. In the film you see a planet with a huge trench. In the trench is a circular muzzle. With so little to work with I decided to make it a beginner level model. I hope Zuhair likes my design.