Super Star Destroyer Executor

The Super Star Destroyer was one of the most powerful vessels in the Imperial fleet. They were 9 kilometers long with a crew of 280,000. Their hulls were covered with over 5000 laser cannons, turbo lasers, ion cannons, tractor beams, and other weapons systems. It also housed over a thousand TIE fighters, TIE bombers, and other starfighters in its many hangar bays.
The super star destroyer Executor was Darth Vader’s flagship. While under the command of Admiral Ozzel The Executor led the assault on the rebel base on Hoth. She also played a prominent role in the battle of Endor under the command of Admiral Piett. The Executor was eventually overwhelmed by the rebel fleet’s concentrated fire. Once the shields were knocked down and bridge destroyed, the crew lost control and she crashed into the second Death Star.