t-16 Skyhopper

The T-16 skyhopper is a two-seat craft powered by an ion engine and two repulsorlift generators. It is extremely fast and maneuverable, yet easy to fly. They are usually armed with a simple stun cannon.
Luke Skywalker raced his skyhopper against his friends in the twisting canyons of Tatooine. Sometimes they would stun the womp-rats they would find there. Little did Luke know how valuable this training would be in his attack run in the Death Star’s trench.
The sky hopper was one of the last figures I created for my first book. I wanted it to be simple enough so someone with no origami experience would be able to make it. Again I had to balance design and appearance. There were actually several designs that were close to what I wanted, but none that were just right: either the wings were in the wrong place, the cockpit was too short, or the figure was just too complex. One day at work, I was working on one of these failed attempts when I was needed back sooner than I expected. I hurriedly put the figure in my pocket. In the process, believe it or not, I accidentally added a new crease. While it wasn’t the right fold, it did point me in a new direction that lead to exactly what I wanted. There was a lot of luck in the writing of my book but I’m still willing to take full credit for it.