sith wayfinder

Wayfinders were navigation devices used by the Jedi and Sith. Since only a force user could activate a wayfinder, they were secure ways of protecting secret or sacred places.
Around the time the Empire fell, there were two in existence which led to the Sith Citadel. One was in Vader’s fortress on Mustafar, the other in the Emperor’s secret vault on the second Death Star. Both were eventually recovered by Rey and Kylo Ren. Rey used one to transmit the location and safest route to Exegol, where the Citadel was hidden. The Resistance fleet, and later huge armada of civilians followed the path and took down the First and Final Orders.
This is one of my rare attempts at making a geometric model. I thought the triangular “glass” of the wayfinder would be fun to recreate with colored paper. I like the results. It’s not too hard to make, and looks sharp. In a pinch, you can turn it over and use it as a sno-cone holder!