jabba's sail barge

Jabba the Hutt’s luxury Sail Barge, Khetanna, was a 30 meter long floating tribute to his decadence. The barge had two huge sails providing shade for the upper deck. The lower decks held Jabba’s throne, a bandstand, gambling tables, and a full bar. There was space for parties of 300 guests, with a crew of 26 catering to their every whim.
One of those ‘whims’ would be the execution of Luke, Han, and Chewbacca at the pit of Carkoon. Jabba, his entourage, and the Khetanna itself met their fates when the prisoners escaped and destroyed the barge.
I was making the Actis Starfighter for one of my scuba students and got distracted a few minutes in. At that point, instead of folding the flaps up I accidentally folded them down. While trying to figure out what I did wrong, it turns out I’d made the hull and sails of the sail barge. It took a lot more tweaking, but as the saying goes… when fate closes a door. Open it up again. That’s what a door does.