Sabacc Cards

Sabacc is a popular game for card players, gamblers, and scoundrels. The deck consists of 62 cards in 3 suits. Each suit has numbers -10 through 10.
The first time Han Solo first encountered Lando Calrissian it was over a sabacc table. The game ended when Lando cheated and cleaned Han out. The next time they played, the stakes were impressive. The pot included the Millennium Falcon. This time Han was aware Lando’s trick: having an ‘Ace up his sleeve’. When Calrissian tried to switch the hidden card into his hand, he discovered Han had already stolen the card. Solo won the pot, The Falcon, and the rest is history.
The first showing of a Star Wars movie is always an event and fans (including myself) will wait on line a day or two in advance. For the Solo: A Star Wars Story we passed time by playing Sabacc and other games. The cards were available in most department stores. While playing the game I couldn’t help notice the cards are shaped like an origami fish base, just with the tips cut off. All I needed to do was find a way to lock all the flaps closed to make flat cards.