rose tico's pendant

Rose Tico and her older sister, Paige, were born in a poor colony on Hays Minor. The First Order forced the colony’s citizens to mine resources and build weapons for the war effort and then tested those weapons on the colony. Rose grew to despise the Order and she and her sister were eventually able to escape the planet. They joined the Resistance to avenge Hays Minor and save other systems from suffering its fate.
The two sisters each wore matching pendants. The medallions were made of Haysian ore and represented Hays Minor and the Otomok system.
When I was choosing the models to be included in Star Wars Origami book 2 I wanted to include something representing Rose Tico. There’s really nothing specific about her face or body to base a model on, like long pointy ears, horns, tusks, ect. So I decided to go in a different direction. Her distinctive medallion was the perfect choice. It’s a pretty simple piece of jewelry. Since I needed to round out the difficulty level of the new book with some easier models, I was able to tick two boxes at once. Unfortunately, due to space limitations it was dropped from the final version of the book.