rey's speeder

Rey’s parents left her on Jakku as a very young girl. Knowing they would someday return for her she survived by scavenging the wreckage of starships for parts she could trade for food and water. This hard life taught her many of the skills she’d need once a chance meeting with BB-8 swept her up into galactic events.
Rey designed and built her speeder from parts she found in the starship graveyards on Jakuu. She used the engines, repulsor lifts, and afterburners from military gunships, Racing swoop bikes, cargo haulers, and even X-Wings to make the perfect speeder for a scavenger. It could haul heavy loads, and move like lightning when unladen.
Just before the release of The Force Awakens I was doing a podcast with my friends at Skywalking Through Neverland. We were discussing Rey’s Speeder and how it looked like an ice cream bar. Which started me thinking about an origami version. The speeder by itself wouldn’t be too interesting, but if I could add Rey to it…. And suddenly the process seemed to come from nowhere. I think it had something to do with the very creative people I was surrounded by. I had the prototype finished before the podcast wrapped up.