Resistance Bomber

The MG-100 StarFortress SF-17, better known as a Resistance bomber, was used by the Resistance against the First Order. During the evacuation of D’Qar two squadrons of MG-100s attempted a bombing run on the First Order Dreadnought Fulminatrix. During the attack, both Cobalt and Crimson squadrons were completely wiped out, but they did destroy the Dreadnought.
The StarFortress had a crew of five; one pilot, an engineer, a bombardier and two gunners. It was armed with both rear and belly ball turrets as well as sets of remotely operated cannons at the front, rear, and on both stabilizers. The main weapon was its payload of 1,048 proton bombs. A magnetic launching system allowed the bombs to be “dropped” over targets on the ground or in space.
One of the first trailers for The Last Jedi featured the bomber. I was of course dying to make something from the new movie, so I started on it immediately. I thought the ship would play a prominent role in the movie, so I kept the model secret from the world. I planned on surprising people with it on opening night. I must admit I was a little disappointed by its short screen time.