the rancor

Rancors are huge reptiles from the planet Dathomir. They stood about 30 feet tall, had long arms, relatively short legs, and a hide thick enough to shrug off blaster fire.
A Rancor named Pateesa was favorite ‘Pet’ of Jabba the Hutt. He kept it in the dungeons of his palace on Tatooine. Jabba had a trap door installed in front of his throne which could drop unsuspecting victims into the rancor pit. The rancor made short work of anyone unlucky enough to displease Jabba.
I’d played around with a few origami versions of a rancor many years ago. There were a few starts that might be promising, but I never finished any of them. One can only design so many models simultaneously. After reading an origami article about making toes on creatures, I thought the process could be applied to the rancor’s arms to make its distinctive claws. I added them to one of those original attempts and was very happy with the results.
A special shout out to YouTuber Geoff Werth for suggesting I make an origami rancor. Thanks Geoff!