Simple porg

Porgs are small aquatic birds native to the islands on the planet Ahch-To. The feathers around their faces and chests are white, blending to a gray-brown on their backs. The males have an orange patch around the eyes and are slightly taller than the females. An adult porg stands a little less than a foot tall. When young, the porglets resemble a cute ball of light tan feathers with a face.
Although porgs are not great flyers, they can run very quickly on land. Porgs are excellent swimmers and feed on small fish and crustaceans.
I do a few Star Wars Origami presentations a year, and inevitably there are always very young folders who want to make models of things they love. Unfortunately, their motor skills just aren’t up to the task. Normally the child starts, mom and dad do the folding, and we tell the beaming child what a great job they did. Since porgs are so popular, I knew I had to include them in the presentations. This version of the porg takes about 8 steps to make and most younglings can handle it. (with only minimal help from mom and dad)