Bobblehead Porg

Porgs are cliff dwelling aquatic birds native to the islands of Ahch-To. They’re shy and easily startled. Porgs have a natural curiosity about the tools and actions of humans, and enjoy spending time in their presence. They also have a fondness for shiny objects like shells, and bits of metal scavenged from human dwellings, and use them to decorate their nests.
Chewbacca’s first thought after meeting the porgs was wondering how they taste. This was later followed by annoyance, because they always seemed to be underfoot. He was won over by their cute appearance and friendly demeanor and allowed a few to travel with him on board the Falcon.
I went to an origami meeting where I learned how to make a very, very cute bobblehead cat. I loved the origami bobblehead concept, which got me thinking…. How could I make this my own? Which very, very cute Star Wars creature would make a great bobblehead? There was only one answer.
One of the advantages of a two piece model, is being able to mix paper colors. This porg takes advantage of that. The head uses a black/white piece, while the body uses a tan/white piece. As you can see, the model comes out almost full color. I’ll probably try to design a few more bobbleheads later,