
Landspeeders are light transport craft that skim above the ground on a repulsor field. They are most commonly used as personal vehicles.
Luke Skywalker’s speeder is a two-seater version. The three turbine engines produce excellent speed and the open cockpit gives it a sporty look. This model is perfect for a “reckless” Tatooine teenager.
The landspeeder is the first advanced figure I created and one of my more popular. This is one design where the base just sort of led to the final model. (A “base” is a set of folds used at the start of making a variety of figures. The base for the popular crane figure is known as the “bird” base). I was playing around with the bird base, trying to see what new things I could come up with (the origami equivalent of doodling) when I noticed all the points and lines were very similar to the Landspeeder. I came up with a workable model a few minutes later. Over the next few days, I added the windshield, rounded out the engines, and reworked the proportions, but it remains very close to that first version.
At Star Wars Celebration V in 2009, I asked for a few volunteers to fold 4 models from 12 foot paper. One of these was the Landspeeder. You can see Christi B here proudly taking the speeder out for a test drive.