Lando Calrissian’s Millennium Falcon

The Millennium Falcon was Lando Calrissian’s pride and joy. He went to great lengths to keep it clean and stylish both inside and out. Lando converted a YT-Dart into a comfortable escape pod and fitted it between the Falcon’s bow mandibles. The modification gave the falcon a sleek, elegant look more in line with a luxury yacht than a freighter
That is until Han Solo got his hands on it.
If I’m being completely honest, I didn’t like the look of the Falcon in Solo: A Star Wars Story. I guess after 41 years I’d just gotten used to the iconic freighter’s look. I thought the addition of the YT-Dart at the bow detracted from its rugged lines. Lando’s version does look sleeker and cleaner , but I think I prefer the classic version. What can I say, I’m a traditionalist.