Director orson krennic

Director Orson Krennic head of the Imperial advanced weapons research division. He was responsible for the technical development, construction, and security of the Death Star. Krennic had hoped to parley his accomplishments into a position of status in the Empire and the favor of the Emperor.
Unfortunately one of his head scientists, Galen Erso, secretly sabotaged the project. Galen hid a tiny but fatal flaw in the Death Star. He leaked this information to his daughter who led a raid on the imperial data vaults on the planet Scarif. She was able to steal and transmit the Death Star plans to the Rebellion. Krennic failed to stop her and died, along with most of the raiders, when the Death Star fired on Scarif in an attempt to halt the raid.
When I was asked to create and teach some models for the premiere party for Rogue One I came up with 2 very similar models. One was a full body version of Darth Vader, the other was Krennic. There are about 3 steps of difference between the two involving the design of the cape. Disney liked the Vader model, but for legal reasons, wouldn’t let me teach the Krennic model at the party. I’m still fond of both models.