the invisible hand

The Invisible Hand was General Grevious’ flagship during the final years of the Clone Wars. This Providence class dreadnaught bristled with turbolasers, laser cannons, ion cannons, and tractor beams. It also carried 20 squadrons of droid starfighters, over 400 ground assault craft, and hundreds of battle droids.
During the Battle of Coruscant, General Grevious captured Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and brought him to the Hand. Anakin and Obi Wan were sent to rescue him, and confronted the droid general. The ship suffered so much damage during the battle that it fell out of orbit and would have crashed into the planet surface. Instead, Anakin Skywalker used his amazing piloting skills to control the crash and complete the rescue.
I was designing a new holocron based on the opening scene of Revenge of the Sith. Since it was going to include Anakin and Obi Wan’s starfighters, as well as a Republic Cruiser, It would only make sense to include the Hand.
The problem was that I hadn’t designed it yet. That’s as good an excuse as any for me to invent a new Star Wars model.