imperial crest

The Old Republic governed the galaxy for over 1000 generations until the rise of The First Galactic Empire. Chancellor Palpatine, who was secretly a Sith lord, orchestrated the Clone Wars to destabilize the Old Republic and bring about its downfall. He used the conflict to grant himself emergency powers and eventually declared himself Emperor.
The Galactic Empire was short lived however. It came to an end with the death of Emperor Palpatine on the second Death Star. With his passing, the Empire was defeated and the New Republic took its place.
For many years I’ve wanted to create an origami version of the Imperial Crest. I’m sure it can be done with just one sheet of paper, but I like to create models that an average person can make. I think a single sheet version would be insanely complex.
I regularly attend an origami zoom group on Wednesdays. This group loves to make Mandela Stars. I’m not a big fan of origami Stars. They are made by folding 4 or 8 identical origami units, and then linking them together using origami locks. To me they all look so similar they blur together, and I can find much better uses for 8 sheets of origami paper.
But it occurred to me that the same process used to make an 8 sided star could also be used to create the 6 sided Imperial symbol. This model uses 6 identical units, and takes advantage of a color change to create the Crest

If you would like to try your hand at making an Imperial Crest, visit my YouTube CHANNEL for a step by step tutorial.