Han Solo

A smuggler, a scoundrel, and a hero of the Rebel Alliance—Han Solo played all of these roles with equal enthusiasm. As a young man, Han was kicked out of the Imperial Academy for defying orders to kill the Wookiee Chewbacca, an act that sparked a life-long friendship.
Han first met Luke Skywalker when Luke needed to hire a good pilot and a fast ship. This was how Han found himself in the middle of the Rebellion that he had no interest in. Not only did he help rescue Princess Leia Organa, he was also instrumental in the destruction of both Death Stars and the eventual collapse of the Empire— He even spent some time on Jabba the Hutt’s wall, encased in a carbonite block.
When I was in the final stages of putting together the first Star Wars Origami book, Lucasfilm asked me to include Han Solo. In hindsight, I should have created a Han model before moving towards publication.
Since the final deadlines were 3 weeks away, their idea was for me to use the Humanoid figure I’d created for Chewie, reposition the arms, and call it Han. I wasn’t comfortable with this, so as a last second compromise I created Han in a block of carbonite.