the ghost

The Ghost is a VCX – 100 Light Freighter owned by Hera Syndulla. In the early days of the Rebellion against the Empire, Hera and her crew smuggled supplies to the agricultural world of Lothal. These runs brought them to the attention of the Rebellion, and they would eventually join them.
The ghost took part in many Rebel missions against The Empire including the raid on Scarif. She continued to work with the New Republic after its fall and even took part in the Battle of Exegol against the Final Order.
This is one of those models that just ‘came to be’.
I’d spend a week or so trying to create a version of the ship I could be happy with. None of the designs had the balance between “how hard it is to make” and “that looks like The Ghost”. So I’d put the project away and try again a few months later. I must have done this 3 or 4 times. One day I sat down to watch Clone Wars season 7 (which The Ghost is not in) and tried again. 10 minutes later I had a model I was very happy with. I think its The Force.