falcon's escape craft

The YT-Dart was originally designed as a light tug and auxiliary craft for the YT-1300 series corellian freighters, The most famous of which is the Millennium Falcon. While Lando owned the Falcon he acquired one of the darts and had it modified with a more powerful engine, hyperdrive, and a few other creature comforts. The dart became a luxurious escape pod worthy of Calrissian’s reputation and style.
During the famous Kessel run Han Solo jettisoned the dart to distract a summa-verminoth, a gargantuan beast, which was chasing the Falcon. The ploy worked. The behemoth chased the dart into a gravity well, destroying the beast and the dart. The Falcon completed the run and Lando never forgave Han for the loss.
When I started creating new models for Star Wars Origami 2 I wanted me to include Lando’s version of the Falcon. I thought it would be cool to make a YT Dart model which could fit into the original Millennium Falcon design from my first Star Wars Origami book. This is the result. It fits into the original model without needing to modify it. Unfortunately, Disney didn’t like it and it was cut from the book.