E-Wing Escort Starfigher

The E-Wing was designed as a replacement for the ageing T-65 starfignter. But due to some initial design flaws, New Republic pilots preferred flying the dependable X-Wing into combat. Even after the initial problems were corrected the E-wing never gained the same level of popularity in the military.
However the E-Wing did find a place for itself among local security forces. This version lacked the dorsal cannon and an onboard R2 unit. It was also equipped with engines which were easier to maintain
I’ve flown the E-Wing starfighter myself (in various board and video games) and thought it handled just fine. But it never occurred to me to make an origami version of the ship until the opening night of the live action Ahsoka series. The blue/white paint scheme and the lines of the ship spoke to me. I managed to design both variants in 3 days, and couldn’t decide which one to make the official version. Then it occurred to me, why not present both of them.