vulture droid starfighter

The Vulture droid was the Trade Federation’s starfighter of choice. It was armed with four blaster cannons and two torpedo tubes, but it lacked protective shields. A droid starfighter had several advantages over an organic pilot. Droid Starfighters are cheaper to mass-produce, easier to train, required no life support systems, and wouldn’t question orders. But a droid couldn’t think creatively, and in an unusual situation, would fall back on its predictable programming. This made it easy to anticipate in combat. Another weakness was its reliance on a central control computer. If the computer was knocked out, the droid would automatically shut down.
While I was creating a design for the Trade Federation landing craft, I noticed that at one point it resembled the wing structure of the Vulture fighter. I played around with this for a while but couldn’t make the entire ship from one piece without it being insanely complicated. During a conversation with my editors for the first Star Wars origami book, we were talking about different types of designs. Including modular designs. Then it clicked… If I made the fuselage from a separate piece, the whole thing could be easy enough for an average person to make and still look menacing.