the Death Star

As Star Wars begins, we get our first impression of the Death Star in the opening crawl. “…..the Empire’s ultimate weapon … An armored space station with enough power to destroy an entire planet.” The Death Star is the size of a small moon, is heavily shielded, has 700 tractor beams, 7,000 TIE fighters, a crew of over a million, and fire power greater than half the Imperial starfleet. Such power would enable the Emperor to maintain total control over the galaxy
Once I decided to write a Star Wars origami book, I knew I had to include the Death Star. The challenge here was to create a figure with enough detail to make it recognizable, while still being fairly simple to make. I experimented with several designs based on a “ball” but I wasn’t happy with any of them. Once I moved away from the “ball” shape, it took me 15 minutes to reach the final design.