the darksaber

The Darksaber was built by the first Mandalorian to become a Jedi. The weapon was similar to the Jedi lightsabers, but had a shorter, black blade. It would later become a symbol of Mandalore’s House Vizsla and was handed down from leader to leader for generations.
After the fall of the Old Republic, Maul killed the head of the Vizsla clan in a duel and claimed the weapon. He would lose it on Dathomir, where it would then be claimed by Sabine Wren. She would turn it over to Lady Bo-Katan Kryze who would use it as a symbol to unite the clans of Mandalore against the Empire. It next appeared in the possession of Moff Gideon after the fall of the Empire. How he acquired it is a story for another time.
I was watching the first episode of season 2 of The Mandalorian and was a little disappointed not to see Moff Gideon and the Darksaber make an appearance. That was when I realized I’d never tried making an origami version of the weapon. Since the darksaber has a flat blade, and the hilt has squared sides, I couldn’t just modify one of the lightsabers I’d already designed. That meant designing an entirely new model. Challenge accepted!