c - 3po

“Hello, I am C-3PO, human cyborg relations. How may I serve you?”
C-3PO, like all protocol droids, specializes in interpretation and communication between the various intelligent species and droids of the galaxy. He is fluent in over six million forms of communication and especially enjoys the nuances of human interactions. While he gives the appearance of being a fussy and cowardly droid, 3PO is loyal to his masters and counterpart, R2-D2.
When Anakin Skywalker was a young boy, he built C-3PO from parts he’d scavenged in Watto’s junk yard. Since then he’s worked for some of the most pivotal people in the galaxy including Padmé Amidala , Bail Organa, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and Rey
In the last weeks before the final draft of “Star Wars Origami” was due, I realized C-3PO was missing.With deadlines approaching I scrambled and came up with this 3PO face, but The Powers That Be didn’t care for it and asked for a full body design. I like this head, so I’ve added some minor modifications and made a YouTube tutorial for the 2020 May the Fourth Quarantine celebration. The link and special paper are below. What do you think, Was Lucasfilm right?