imperial at-at

The Imperial All Terrain Armored Transport or AT-AT was a formidable ground assault vehicle. It was over 22 meters tall and had armor capable of standing up to all but the most powerful anti-tank weapons. It was armed with two heavy laser cannons under its “chin” and a medium blaster on either side of the cockpit. The main body of the ‘Walker’ could carry 40 stormtroopers and 5 speeder bikes. While it was considered a transport, it could easily overwhelm most ground emplacements.
During the Battle of Hoth 5 AT-ATs breached the defensive shield, destroyed all but a hand full of defending snowspeeders, decimated the rebel ground troops, and destroyed the planetary shield generator. The intense fire from rebel turbo lasers, ground cannons, and attacking speeders only managed to bring down one of the AT-ATs. A second was lost when Luke Skywalker was able to get a thermal detonator into a walker’s hull.
I’ve played around with various designs for an AT-AT over the years. I’ve never been happy with the results. Something as imposing as an Imperial Walker should look more impressive than a flattened elephant. One day I decided to try a compound approach to the model. (one that uses multiple pieces of paper). I came up with a passable set of legs and started designing a chassis and cockpit to go with it. What I came up with looked really solid and made the legs look silly by comparison. I had to go back and rework the legs to bring them up to the quality of the body.
I want to give a special thanks to YouTubers Tristin Correy and Yaman Empire for requesting this model.