A-Wing Starfighter

The A-Wing is one of the fastest starfighters in the galaxy, faster even than the famed TIE Interceptor. While lightly shielded and armored, it has 2 powerful engines, missile launchers, and twin pivoting laser cannons packing quite a punch for its size. The small, agile ship has a slender silhouette making it difficult to hit.
The RZ-1 A-Wing saw wide use during the final battles with the Empire. The RZ-2 version was still being used by the Resistance against the First Order, proving what a formidable star fighter it was.
I’d always wanted to make a model of the A-Wing, but never got around to it. When I saw the ship was going to be used again in “The Rise of Skywalker” I decided the time had come.
A quick google search will reveal some other origami versions of the ship. I wanted to keep mine simple for inclusion in Star Wars Origami 2, while still keeping it “ship shape”. I think the balance works.