Jar Jar Binks

Jar Jar Binks was a Gungan who literally bumped into Qui-Gon Jin on Naboo, and was brought into the center of galactic events. He was given the rank of general in the Battle of Naboo, and later became a representative in the galactic senate.

Senator Binks was manipulated by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine into granting him emergency powers, which would lead to the overthrow of the Republic and the rise of the Empire.

I teach origami in weekly origami zoom meetings. (if you’d like to attend, drop me an email for details) During one of the meetings another teacher showed a way to make a bird. I immediately noticed the bird could be transformed into Jar Jar. It took a few more days of tweaking to get it just right.

If you would like to try your hand at making Jar Jar, Down load the paper HERE and then visit my YouTube CHANNEL for a step by step tutorial.