resurgent class star destroyer

The Resurgent class is the latest generation of battle cruiser. While based on the time proven Star Destroyer design, it’s almost 3000 meters long, making it nearly three times as long as the first generation Venator class Star Destroyer. The Resurgent class has a crew of over 82,000 and 2 full starfighter wings. With over 1500 turbo lasers, laser batteries, and ion cannons it can handle multiple roles in any battle theater. Part starfighter carrier, part battlecruiser, and part mobile command base, these ships are fully capable of suppressing any star system and bringing it in line with the First Order’s new regime.
When The Force Awakens introduced a new star destroyer class, I was torn. Do I create a new model for it? I should, because it’s different from the Imperial Stardestroyer. But it’s not that much different. (from an origami point of view)
I didn’t want to just add a fold or two to my original and call it a day. I ended up revamping the hull, flattening the overall shape, and reconfiguring the superstructure. I like the new model. In fact, I like it so much I included it in Star Wars Origami 2.